I am 30 years old, the father to 3 wonderful children, and blessed to be 11 years married to my beautiful wife, Callie. I'm currently serving as the worship leader and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel in Crossville, TN. My passion is to preach and teach Christ to the Church, and show that His glory, His joy, and His will are our primary mission in life as Christians. Since writing is a form of teaching, and can be used to equip the body of Christ unto love and good works, this too has become a passion in my daily walk and growth with God.
In a world of unknowns and unkept promises, I am thankful for a sure, hopeful, promise keeping, gracious God! I've come to know that this grace is everywhere I go. This does not mean things don't get hard, and often very hard, but the grace of God sufficiently goes with us, strengthening our spirits, and upholding our lives throughout the most treacherous waters.
We read "my grace is sufficient for thee", and we question. But when we question, do we also cling to Christ? The promise of sufficient, upholding, sustaining grace is directly tied to the power of God, and if we do not cling to Him in the hour of our trial, we will only be left with more questions. Paul asked three times to be freed from his "thorn in the flesh", thinking that freedom from his hardship was surely the will of God. This was not the case. Rather, God used life, and everything it had dished up to Paul, including the pain, the beating, and the suffering, to bring him to a place of utter surrender to a sovereign God.
Where do your find yourself today? Are you filled with incomprehensible joy and elation because of the riches of Christ so graciously and freely lavished upon you? Maybe not. Maybe you are riddled with pain from a hard childhood, difficult marriage, or chronic illness. I cannot help you apart from Christ. Nobody can. Only Christ and His pure Word can heal, restore, rebuild, and refill. No one but Christ rose from the grave and the grasp of death, so that you might stand victorious over sin and all of its sting. No matter where you live, or what has gotten you there, looking to Jesus for all things will lead you to confidently say "grace is here with me." Grace for salvation. Grace for obedience. Grace to love others like Christ did. Grace to lead you through life till the day you behold the face of your savior.
These are the things that lead me to write 'Grace In Crossville'. The name of my town is Crossville, and I am confident that grace is here with me. When I leave, grace goes with me, for Christ is with me always. As you read through this 31 day devotional, let the truths of the scriptures aid you in your time of need, uphold you through your greatest joys, and sustain you through your most besetting trials. May you learn to say "your grace, oh lord, is sufficient for me!"
Precious believer in Christ, where do you live?..........grace is there too.
-Joel littlefield
You can purchase my new devotional 'Grace In Crossville' in Kindle and paperback editions at the link below.
Link to Joel's website to read Blog Post: Radiant God