Themes in James
Chapter 1
- Vs 1. James' salutation to the letter's recipients
- Vss 2-8. Utilizing prayers of faith to survive
- Vss 9-11. Remember, everyone is equal in God’s
- Vss 12-16 No one is perfect. Don’t get into
trouble thinking you are
- Vss 17, 18. God is what you have & all you
have. Don’t boast otherwise
- Vs 19. Watch your mouth
- Vss 21-25. If you can’t stand to let God wash
you, you’re blind to your habitual sins
- Vss 26-27. Humble yourself. Be not proud—do service
to God. Look for those in need and fill whatever their need is
Chapter 2
- Vss 1-7. Be careful of pride; the worlds’ social order practices discrimination.
Don’t you dare do this in the church, at work, in your home, or anywhere
- Vss 8-13. All your knowledge has little value as a witness; your
conduct will explain your connection to Jesus
- Vs 14-18. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.
If you name yourself a Christian, it’s going to show in what you do. If it
doesn’t, you’re not. You manner, quality, and objective of work will prove you
- Vss 19-20. Saying the name of Jesus doesn’t make
you a Christian. Satan knows who God is and knows the difference between a
genuine Christian and a quasi-Christian. Make sure you prove whom you are
- Vss 21-26. Examples of people proving their
Chapter 3
Green-Eyed envy |
- Vss 1-8. Guard your tongue. If you think you can
teach, be very careful of your words. God will hold you accountable for every word you
speak on His behalf (I’m accountable for
this post)
- Vss 9-12. Examples of how we can misuse the name
of Jesus
- Vss 13-18. If you’re knowledgeable about the
truth, then teach it. It comes from God. Do not boast because you know
something. It didn’t originate from you. Give it freely to everyone
Chapter 4
- Vss 1-3. You idiots! Stop fighting for worthless
stuff. Stop fighting for position
- Vss 4-6. If you’re married to Christ, you’re an
adulterer when you covet the worlds’ stuff. God is jealous when you cheat
on Him
- Vss 7-8 Satan has to leave you alone in the presence
of your humble faith
- Vss 11, 12. Idiot! You can’t correctly judge
anyone. Stop it
- Vss 13-16. Don’t leave God out of your plans. Make
all your plans with flexibility.
- Vs 17. Don’t place all your eggs in one basket.
You could sin trying to sustain it
Chapter 5
- Vss 1-6. Behave yourselves. Repent and help
others. Give up your pride. Be honest!
- Vss 7-9. Wait for Jesus, He’s right here
- Vss 10,11. Examples of men who waited in faith, not
knowing what was going on
- Vs12. Be honest in all your promises
- Vss 13-16. The church body is there for Christians
in all situations and stages of need. Stick together & help one another,
especially praying for one another
- Vss 17, 18. Example of a Godly man’s prayers
- Vss 19-20. Helping a Brother or Sister in Christ
with love will benefit everyone in the most beautiful and spiritual ways
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