In the popular Christmas song, *Mary Did You Know one line asks, “(did you know), when you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God?”
The Bible never recorded Mary kissing Jesus but we can safely assume she performed this act of devotion. She held Him, kissed Him, loved Him, and did all the things a mother does with children. Mary’s kisses were on her beloved Child and maybe sometimes her kisses were worship of her Savior.
The Bible never recorded Mary kissing Jesus but we can safely assume she performed this act of devotion. She held Him, kissed Him, loved Him, and did all the things a mother does with children. Mary’s kisses were on her beloved Child and maybe sometimes her kisses were worship of her Savior.
So, we can assume Mary's kiss was for real.
However, the Bible does record a very real kiss with a deeper and definitely more sinister planning.
A chilling scene, as the mob comes in the dark of night, with eerie light from torches flickering through tree branches, making shadows long and creepy. Judas walked up to Jesus and planted a tremendous devotional kiss to His Rabboni’s face so there could be no mistake in the dark the One whom they were to arrest. In an act straight from a horror flick, the betrayer leading the ambush and prominently identifying the betrayed.
That kiss has importance beyond the mere printed words. The fact of its application is so evil in and of itself. The implication is the kiss Judas gave was of love and friendship, of fellowship, comradeship, and companionship. A huge, loud kiss in greeting of a friend and one accepted in trust.
Judas' intention may have been to place Jesus in the position to either defend Himself or die. Judas had no idea what he had done until later, and though he never repented, he did regret his action. But no amount of regret could ever erase that kiss.
Mary kissed the face of God out of a heart of a loving mother. Judas kissed the face of God as a selfish man with a hateful heart.
Someday, all those who’ve trusted in Jesus’ salvation, will look into that glorious face and see the love that kept Him on the cross.
We will see the love that Judas refused to see
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*Mary Did You Know"original lyrics by Mark Lowry; melody by Buddy Greene
However, the Bible does record a very real kiss with a deeper and definitely more sinister planning.
Judas kissed the face of God
A chilling scene, as the mob comes in the dark of night, with eerie light from torches flickering through tree branches, making shadows long and creepy. Judas walked up to Jesus and planted a tremendous devotional kiss to His Rabboni’s face so there could be no mistake in the dark the One whom they were to arrest. In an act straight from a horror flick, the betrayer leading the ambush and prominently identifying the betrayed.
That kiss has importance beyond the mere printed words. The fact of its application is so evil in and of itself. The implication is the kiss Judas gave was of love and friendship, of fellowship, comradeship, and companionship. A huge, loud kiss in greeting of a friend and one accepted in trust.
The trust, acceptance and warmth of the relationship he had with Jesus, Judas used for such an evil purpose.

“Faithful are the wounds
of a friend,
But the kisses of an enemy
are deceitful”
Proverbs 27:6.
Mary kissed the face of God out of a heart of a loving mother. Judas kissed the face of God as a selfish man with a hateful heart.
The first kiss welcomed the Savior, Son of God; the last kiss had a major part in killing Him.
Two Kisses--one assumed, one known. Both interesting contemplation.
*"Mary did you know, when you kissed your little Baby, you kissed the face of God?"
"Judas, did you know, when you kissed the face of your Rabbi, you kissed the face of God?"
Someday, all those who’ve trusted in Jesus’ salvation, will look into that glorious face and see the love that kept Him on the cross.
We will see the love that Judas refused to see
the night he kissed the face of God.
Thank you.
*Mary Did You Know"original lyrics by Mark Lowry; melody by Buddy Greene
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