"So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife;
and when he went in to her, the LORD gave her
conception, and she bore a son" Ruth 4:13.

The record of Obed's birth is God’s ability to work seemingly bad circumstances for the purpose of good. This impossible marriage of Boaz and Ruth took place as a God-blessed miracle union.
Here are a few incidents that happened for this marriage to take place.
- God chose Abraham out of idolatry and made him the father of the Jewish nation. (Gen. 12:1)
- Abraham begets Isaac and Isaac begets Jacob, who begets Judah. (Gen. 21:1-7, Gen. 24:66, Gen. 29:35)
- Judah is the father of Perez (Gen 38)
- God set up the law of the Gleaning as the system of welfare to support the poorest people. (Lev. 19: 9,10)
- God sets up the Kinsman/Redeemer law. (Deut. 25: 5-10)
- God saved Rahab at the destruction of Jericho. (Joshua 6: 22-23)
- Because of drought and famine in the land, Elimelech takes his family down to Moab where his son Mahlon marries Ruth. (Ruth 1:2)
- Mahlon dies. (Ruth 1:5)
- Following her mother-in-law, Naomi, Ruth comes to Israel, turning her back on her own land and its idolatry to follow Naomi's God. (Ruth 1:16-18)
- They return in the time of harvest. (Ruth 1:22)
- God helps Ruth to the right field. (Ruth 2:3)
- Boaz meets Ruth. (Ruth 2)
- Boaz is an honorable, God-fearing man who exercises the Kinsman Redeemer law to marry Ruth. (Ruth 3:10-4:12)
- Obed is born
- In this lineage, Jesus is born just as God had planned from the beginning. (Ruth 4:13)
Ruth was a poor, foreign widow, from a nation of idolatry, with no way of salvation. Boaz was a strong follower of the Jewish law. These two people would never be together in ordinary circumstances, yet, in His sovereignty, God moved the impossible to accomplish the extraordinary marriage of Ruth and Boaz.
This miracle marriage was an integral part of the Ancestry of Jesus. "Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth" Matthew 1:5.
Nothing is impossible with God. All that He does is only miraculous from our viewpoint.
Miracles are standard procedure for Almighty God!
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