We give thanks to You, O GOD, we give thanks!
For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.
Psalm 75:1

Though I am disappointed, the fact I RECEIVED an answer is so awesome as to take away all disappointment in the denial of my request.
How many times has God answered a prayer with Yes, No, or Wait and it's taken for granted because you received an answer? A bit cheeky isn't it? The Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, the Mighty Redeemer, Savior, Holy God gave YOU an answer. The reply shouldn't be treated as an average daily occurrence, should it?
Ask yourself this, "Who am I that Almighty God should take note of me? What did I do to deserve such condescension from such a One as GOD?"
Although what I was hoping heartily for received a No, Wait, Trust Me answer, I am in awe that my God truly cares enough for me to speak so gently and kindly to me even while saying No to my request. I am His child and He knows what is best for me.
The next time you receive an answer to prayer Thank God no matter what the reply to your request.
Thank you.
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