There is no evidence Jesus was ever under the law of the Nazirite though I have often heard Christians make the statement that He was a Nazirite. The Bible actually contradicts the idea of Jesus being a Nazirite because of the restrictions listed in the written Law.
So what does the Bible say about Jesus, the Nazarene?
In His lifetime on earth, Jesus separated Himself unto the work of God in all aspects, thus more consecrated to God then those under the Law of the Nazirite.
- Law of the Nazirite
Numbers 6: 2, Anyone placing themselves under the Law of the Nazirite, separates themselves to God.
Numbers 6: 3, 4, 5, Anyone under a Nazirite vow separates themselves from wine or similar drink: vinegar wine, or fermented vinegar of any kind; no grape juice, fresh grapes or raisins. A Nazirite separates himself from all produce of the grapevine, seed to skin.
Numbers 6: 5, All the days of his vows, no razor shall touch his head.
Numbers 6: 6-8, All the days of his vows, he shall not go near a dead body.
Numbers 6: 9-12, If anyone under a Nazirite Vow is touched by; has touched, or unintentionally touches, a dead person, they must go through a special cleansing ritual preformed at the temple in sight of the priest.
Numbers 6: 3, 4, 5, Anyone under a Nazirite vow separates themselves from wine or similar drink: vinegar wine, or fermented vinegar of any kind; no grape juice, fresh grapes or raisins. A Nazirite separates himself from all produce of the grapevine, seed to skin.
Numbers 6: 5, All the days of his vows, no razor shall touch his head.
Numbers 6: 6-8, All the days of his vows, he shall not go near a dead body.
Numbers 6: 9-12, If anyone under a Nazirite Vow is touched by; has touched, or unintentionally touches, a dead person, they must go through a special cleansing ritual preformed at the temple in sight of the priest.
- Jesus was a citizen of the town of Nazareth, hence a Nazarene.
- But NOT a Nazirite
John 2: 1-11, Jesus first miracle was to turn water to wine.
The Gospels record Jesus ate meals with many people, including enemies, but not once is it recorded anyone ever tempted Him to break a Nazirite Vow with wine, or other drink.
Luke 22: 17, 18, The bible records Jesus is the giver of the cup of wine that is the predecessor of our Communion Service. If Jesus had been under the Law of the Nazirite, He would never have touched any ‘fruit of the vine’.
Matthew 11: 19, If Jesus had been under the Law of the Nazirite, His enemies accusation of him being a drunkard and a glutton would have been accurate. By observing Him drinking anything fermented, they would prove Him a false teacher and a Hypocrite.
1 Corinthians 11:3-16, Only a man avowed under the Law of the Nazirite would let their hair grow for the length of their vow. All other Jewish men are to have their hair worn short. Jesus would have had short hair as a common man.
(Acts 18:18, The Apostle Paul took a Nazirite vow for a season.)
John 11, Jesus brings Lazarus back to life. (Mark 5:41, Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter. (Luke 7: 14, Jesus raises the widow’s son. (Mark 5: 1-17, Jesus goes to the region of Gadarene and drives out a legion of demons from a man living in a graveyard.
The Law of the Nazirite forbade touching dead people, or being near the dead. Any such contact required a cleansing ritual. (Numbers 6: 9-12) Jesus never broke any of the OT Laws. There is no record of Him needing the required cleansing ritual after exposure to the dead.
Isaiah 53:2, The bible records Jesus wasn't someone who stood out in a crowd. Had He been under a Nazarite Vow, long hair would have made Him noticeable. The bible records Jesus was able to disappear in a crowd.
Judas identified Him with a kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane. A Nazirite would have been identifiable among the others.
Isaiah 53:2, The bible records Jesus wasn't someone who stood out in a crowd. Had He been under a Nazarite Vow, long hair would have made Him noticeable. The bible records Jesus was able to disappear in a crowd.
Judas identified Him with a kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane. A Nazirite would have been identifiable among the others.
If God could say "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," Jesus couldn't have been a Nazirite and break all these regulations of the Nazirite Vow clearly spelled out in the law given to Moses.
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