These are some question that I ask in the workbook section of my EBook Squished! Why God Seemingly Destroys Our Fruit. I had to answer these questions for myself when my home church went through a difficult time. I had to ask myself who or what was my I basing my faith in or on? Was my faith real?
How strong is your faith in Christ Jesus, the Lord? I want to challenge you right now to think about the consequences of sudden disasters like those that hit Job. These may sound gloomy but I want you to focus on the joy of the Lord; the joy that we are to have because we are pilgrims looking for the country where we are going. With these scenarios I challenge you to think about how close your personal walk is with Jesus and how much is just earthly baggage.
What if your house burned down today? Everything in it is now ashes, not one thing survives. Mentally walk through your house right now and look at the things you have. Right now it is gone! It no longer exists!
1. What are you feeling the loss of most?
2. What is going to substitute for that loss?
3. Who are you going to trust to relieve the loss?
4. What is it you are afraid of facing the most at the loss of your house?
What if your spouse died today? Are you walking close enough to the Lord to accept it? If the person you love never comes back to you alive today, what do you think about?
1. Do they know I love them?
2. Have they trusted the Lord as their savior?
3. Have I prayed for them lately? Really prayed for their safety, well being, love, strength, spiritual growth? That they are walking close to the Lord daily?
4. Are they ready to meet the Lord Jesus today?
If the scenario was your children died today, ask the previous questions for this also.
What if your home church burned, there is not a shred of anything left; to what do you associate the building?
1. What constitutes as loss when the building is no longer available?
2. How does this affect your worship?
3. How strong is your feeling toward the activities that you attended?
4. How much were you accustomed to what was available inside the building?
5. If how you served depended on the material inside the building; how will you serve now?
What does the pastor mean to you in terms of your church attendance and service?
1. Do you come to church to hear him or God?
2. Do you feel uncomfortable when someone unfamiliar speaks?
3. Do you think this is the proper way you are to listen to sermons?
4. Are you reluctant to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart through a different speaker?
Examine your daily spiritual life.
1. How much of your life since your salvation has been building with straw, hay and stubble?
2.. How much of your life was building with gold, silver and precious stones?
Be Real!
How strong is your faith in Christ Jesus, the Lord? I want to challenge you right now to think about the consequences of sudden disasters like those that hit Job. These may sound gloomy but I want you to focus on the joy of the Lord; the joy that we are to have because we are pilgrims looking for the country where we are going. With these scenarios I challenge you to think about how close your personal walk is with Jesus and how much is just earthly baggage.

1. What are you feeling the loss of most?
2. What is going to substitute for that loss?
3. Who are you going to trust to relieve the loss?
4. What is it you are afraid of facing the most at the loss of your house?

1. Do they know I love them?
2. Have they trusted the Lord as their savior?
3. Have I prayed for them lately? Really prayed for their safety, well being, love, strength, spiritual growth? That they are walking close to the Lord daily?
4. Are they ready to meet the Lord Jesus today?
If the scenario was your children died today, ask the previous questions for this also.

1. What constitutes as loss when the building is no longer available?
2. How does this affect your worship?
3. How strong is your feeling toward the activities that you attended?
4. How much were you accustomed to what was available inside the building?
5. If how you served depended on the material inside the building; how will you serve now?

1. Do you come to church to hear him or God?
2. Do you feel uncomfortable when someone unfamiliar speaks?
3. Do you think this is the proper way you are to listen to sermons?
4. Are you reluctant to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart through a different speaker?
1. Are you ready today to meet Jesus?
2. Is your daily desire to meet Jesus face to face?
3. Is your family strong enough to walk with Jesus after your death?
4. Is there someone you need to tell about Jesus?
2. Is your daily desire to meet Jesus face to face?
3. Is your family strong enough to walk with Jesus after your death?
4. Is there someone you need to tell about Jesus?

1. How much of your life since your salvation has been building with straw, hay and stubble?
2.. How much of your life was building with gold, silver and precious stones?
activities? Today, can you walk through your house and say to Jesus, I throw it all away. I challenge you to do just that.
1. Where have your thoughts been lately?
2. Where are they right now?
3. Do these scenarios hurt?
4. Why? Or why not?
1. Where have your thoughts been lately?
2. Where are they right now?
3. Do these scenarios hurt?
4. Why? Or why not?
Be Real!
Ask Jesus to clean your house, to show you where your stuff is hindering your service to Him.
Do you love Him enough to let Him have everything?
Do you fear Him that much?
Think about these scenarios and pray about your thoughts daily.
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