The early Apostles preached Christ through the Holy Land, into Asia-minor and all the known world. You couldn’t have stopped them if you tried. Their words went out with power and with the Holy Spirit. Necessity laid hold of them and love constrained them onward in the face of opposition and persecution.
Can this kind of movement happen today?
Preaching is not the “old way”, as if some newer, better way has been invented. Neither does cultural relevance have anything to do with its success. With the right content, the power of the Spirit who raised Christ from the grave and willing vessels, the preached gospel can change the young, the old, the rich and the poor who believe.
The message that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and that faith in Christ alone brings forgiveness of sin, must be preached in truth and proclaimed with passion. Why such passion? Because sinners who believe in the gospel receive eternal life.
They turned the world upside down with the finest preaching this world has ever known. It was truth. It was bold. It was risky. And it never came at the expense of good theology. They were martyrs; true and faithful witnesses to the glory of Him who loved this world to death.
So whether on the streets of our communities or in our churches; whether to a friend or a perfect stranger, the gospel must be preached. It must be heard. Let’s boldly tell the world the message of the crucified and risen King of glory until all have heard.
Romans 10:14 “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”
Joel Littlefield
Husband and father of three, pastor and worship leader. My desire for blogging and writing is from a heart for the Body of Christ to glorify God in everything, and through every season.
Author of Grace in Crossville and Beeline to the Cross
Link to Joel's website Made To Make Disciples
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