Ultimate judgment belongs to God. The entirety of people created by God face His judgment, from Adam to the last person to die off this world. When this world ends, God will separate the sheep from the goats, (Matthew 25: 32, 33,) making the final judgment between those who are children of God saved by His grace, and those who rejected His Son Jesus’ substitutionary death in their place on the cross.
The theme of God’s judgment goes all through the bible, giving us instructions on what pleases God and what displeases God. In the finality, God will be the judge at two thrones, two judgment seats. The Great White Throne of Judgment and the Throne of Grace, (Bema Seat)
In Revelation 20, the unsaved face God’s sentencing at the Great White Throne Judgment. This is not a courtroom where anyone pleads their defense. They are there to accept that court has already convened, and they receive sentencing to their eternal prison, the ‘Lake of Fire.’ The court trial has already taken place at the cross and the sentence meted out. After Jesus took all of the sin of mankind onto Himself, God punished Jesus, thus fulfilling the required punishment of breaking the law- that is, our sin. Romans 6: 23.
1 Corinthians 3: 7-17; 1 Peter 1: 7; The saved will face the judgment of the Throne of Grace. (Bema Seat) Exodus 25: 17-22; Hebrews 9; 1 John 2: 1, 2)). At this throne, God will judge our works done here on earth after we accepted Jesus. This judgment seat is where God tests, through fire, our works done in Jesus’ name, and for the glory of God the Father. The works that did not glorify God will burn up like wood, hay, and straw. That which we did in the name of Jesus to the glory of God the Father will shine as gold, silver, and precious stones. This is where we receive our rewards.
The saved have the distinction of not having past sins brought up before the Father because He chooses to look at us as covered in the blood of His son Jesus. Hebrews 10: 17; Psalm 103: 12. The saved accepted the punishment of Jesus’ death on the cross and God’s punishment has passed from them. Romans 8:1.
While God has the ultimate judgment, Christians are to judge between right and wrong. The bible tells us to separate ourselves from the world, that is, live a different life than the unsaved, to learn what pleases God and what displeases Him. Romans 12:2. (Be holy for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16, (Leviticus 11:44)) We have to judge between the right things of God and the wrong things of the world. The bible is our tool to do this. Judge what is good to hear, to see, to do, and to speak. Philippians 4: 8, 9.
The commandment of Do not covet is for the purpose of distinction, this is an inner heart judgment.
We are to judge between each other. 1 Corinthians 6: 1-3, is our judgment of people we come in contact with.
Matthew 7: 16-20. This judgment also provides protection for our well-being, welfare, lives, and even our families. James 4: 1-7. We need to judge whether this person is harmful to us physically, mentally, morally, financially, or harmful to our ministries: can they make us ineffective, can they destroy our witness, or can they draw us away from God? (Do not cast your pearls before swine. Matthew 7: 6.)
The bible instructs us to judge between those who we count as friends and associates. To judge the other against what we know
of the bible is acceptable. Titus 1:10-13; 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-15; Galatians 1: 8, 9; 1 Timothy 5: 24, 25; 1 John 4: 1, is to have knowledge of who we speak to, and how we act, or react to people.
We judge our brethren biblically to help them remain in the faith and walk in the light. Galatians 6: 1; James 5: 19, 20.
John 15: 18, our faith in Jesus is a judgment of the world. If we do not judge others, who are without faith, our witness is useless. There has to be the condemnation of sin before they accept Jesus’ salvation. We make this judgment only in imitating Jesus’ love for the lost. Do nothing without love.
So, yes, do not judge to condemn anyone and but the other-side of the coin says, yes, judge for the correct reasons.
The theme of God’s judgment goes all through the bible, giving us instructions on what pleases God and what displeases God. In the finality, God will be the judge at two thrones, two judgment seats. The Great White Throne of Judgment and the Throne of Grace, (Bema Seat)
In Revelation 20, the unsaved face God’s sentencing at the Great White Throne Judgment. This is not a courtroom where anyone pleads their defense. They are there to accept that court has already convened, and they receive sentencing to their eternal prison, the ‘Lake of Fire.’ The court trial has already taken place at the cross and the sentence meted out. After Jesus took all of the sin of mankind onto Himself, God punished Jesus, thus fulfilling the required punishment of breaking the law- that is, our sin. Romans 6: 23.
1 Corinthians 3: 7-17; 1 Peter 1: 7; The saved will face the judgment of the Throne of Grace. (Bema Seat) Exodus 25: 17-22; Hebrews 9; 1 John 2: 1, 2)). At this throne, God will judge our works done here on earth after we accepted Jesus. This judgment seat is where God tests, through fire, our works done in Jesus’ name, and for the glory of God the Father. The works that did not glorify God will burn up like wood, hay, and straw. That which we did in the name of Jesus to the glory of God the Father will shine as gold, silver, and precious stones. This is where we receive our rewards.
The saved have the distinction of not having past sins brought up before the Father because He chooses to look at us as covered in the blood of His son Jesus. Hebrews 10: 17; Psalm 103: 12. The saved accepted the punishment of Jesus’ death on the cross and God’s punishment has passed from them. Romans 8:1.
While God has the ultimate judgment, Christians are to judge between right and wrong. The bible tells us to separate ourselves from the world, that is, live a different life than the unsaved, to learn what pleases God and what displeases Him. Romans 12:2. (Be holy for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16, (Leviticus 11:44)) We have to judge between the right things of God and the wrong things of the world. The bible is our tool to do this. Judge what is good to hear, to see, to do, and to speak. Philippians 4: 8, 9.
The commandment of Do not covet is for the purpose of distinction, this is an inner heart judgment.
We are to judge between each other. 1 Corinthians 6: 1-3, is our judgment of people we come in contact with.
Matthew 7: 16-20. This judgment also provides protection for our well-being, welfare, lives, and even our families. James 4: 1-7. We need to judge whether this person is harmful to us physically, mentally, morally, financially, or harmful to our ministries: can they make us ineffective, can they destroy our witness, or can they draw us away from God? (Do not cast your pearls before swine. Matthew 7: 6.)
The bible instructs us to judge between those who we count as friends and associates. To judge the other against what we know

If we see a person claiming to be a Christian, we are to hold up what we know from God’s word and judge if they are truly Christians. If we do not make this judgment, we can get into trouble. False brethren can bring us into God’s displeasure and His necessary judgment in a just punishment. Hebrews 12: 5, 6. Without judging, we may stumble and fall.
James warns us to keep a sense of humility when we judge. (We are not to condemn others, Matthew 7:1-5). We are not to stand in the place of God and point fingers to destroy anyone. If we judge, we are to take our knowledge from Jesus and make a distinction between right and wrong according to what the bible says. If we slander, or hurt in our judgment, we ourselves are wrong and God will judge accordingly.
If we judge, two or more people must substantiate our judgment or it is not to be accepted. 1 Timothy 5: 19; (Deuteronomy 16: 6, 19: 15)
James warns us to keep a sense of humility when we judge. (We are not to condemn others, Matthew 7:1-5). We are not to stand in the place of God and point fingers to destroy anyone. If we judge, we are to take our knowledge from Jesus and make a distinction between right and wrong according to what the bible says. If we slander, or hurt in our judgment, we ourselves are wrong and God will judge accordingly.
If we judge, two or more people must substantiate our judgment or it is not to be accepted. 1 Timothy 5: 19; (Deuteronomy 16: 6, 19: 15)
We judge our brethren biblically to help them remain in the faith and walk in the light. Galatians 6: 1; James 5: 19, 20.
John 15: 18, our faith in Jesus is a judgment of the world. If we do not judge others, who are without faith, our witness is useless. There has to be the condemnation of sin before they accept Jesus’ salvation. We make this judgment only in imitating Jesus’ love for the lost. Do nothing without love.
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Thank you.
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