"In the beginning, God created the
heaven and the earth."
"And the earth was without form
and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon face of the waters."
"And God said let there be light; and
there was light” Genesis 1: 1, 2, 3.
I’m an artist. I paint similes
of realities or the imaginations of my mind. It’s satisfying to have an idea and realize the vision on canvas so viewers can appreciate my creativity.
When I am as ready as I think is
necessary, I sit down and begin my painting. All this time consuming arrangement ensued because
I wanted to paint.
My art may be nice to view, but God's Creation was perfect.
“In the beginning, God created
the heaven and the earth” Genesis 1:1.
It was beautiful and completely designed in His ‘mind’ before He began.
“And the heaven and earth were without
form and void” Gen. 1:2a.
We know Jesus holds
everything together, (Col 1:16). It is a scientifically proven fact all things consist of molecules, cells
and atoms we cannot see with the naked eye. In His ‘studio’, God created
all those particles that make up heaven and earth.
While He created it all in verse 1, verse 2 says it was void and without form. Described in my analogy, as I assemble everything before I paint, I have no trouble with that.
God knew what He was going to make, He simply
hadn’t put it together yet.
Verse 1 says God the Father created
all of it but Jesus, the Word of God had yet speak to assemble everything. God the Holy
Spirit joyfully hovered over the ‘drafting table’, waiting for Jesus to proclaim
his first ‘daub of paint’ to His ‘canvas'. Everything was ready, and perfect. Even
the darkness is perfect, because no sin has entered yet.
I picture the throne room of God
tense in happy anticipation. The angels who minster to God are poised and
waiting to see what the Holy One is doing. Up until now, they are the only
created things in existence. What could God possibly create now?
God nods His head and Jesus, a
big smile on His face yells out, “Let there be light!”
The Holy Spirit immediately
collects God’s pre-planned particles and light springs from the elements floating
in the dark void. Light always existed in God’s design, only now it has form.
With each exclamation, Jesus brings
about the beauty of what The Trinity had in mind all along. The Holy Spirit,
the power of God, places the beautiful parts together making a magnificent
painting, a whole of all the pieces, until all are used in their proper places
and on the ‘sixth’ day, God finishes the painting with His signature—Man, made
in His image!
When I finish a painting, I like
to sit back and admire it for days afterwards.
On the seventh day, God the
Father, Jesus God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit ‘rest’,
admiring Their perfect work while the angels rejoice fly around examining God's magnificent Creation.
“When the morning stars sang
together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Job 38: 7.
That is my artist’s theory of God's Creation in Genesis 1. I will know the truth when I see
my Jesus face to face.
Possibly, knowledge of the first
two verses of Genesis won’t be anywhere as serious as the theorists of today
and through history want to make it.
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