“Then Miriam…took a
tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines
and with dances” Exodus 15: 20.
Girls-it's okay
to dance!!
Miriam expressed
thankfulness to God before an audience of a million people but there’s
a popular saying, 'Dance like no one is watching.' If you’re alone, why not dance
to God as an expression of your love for Him. Jesus says what you do as faith unto God in your privacy will be seen by God and blessed. (Matthew 6: 6)
Enjoy your freedom and praise God for life, breath and being beautifully woman. God loves you to be free and uninhibited before Him, such as David danced when bringing the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6: 14) The Bible never says God was displeased with
Miriam's exhibition of joy.
In God’s
sight, women and men are equal, though by God's blessing and the necessity of difference, they do different things.